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进步中医诊所提供一系列完善、有效的中医疗法。拥有五千年历史的中医学是人类最古老却也是最具疗效的多元化疗法。让人活出健康、长寿及快乐!Here we provide a series of effective and natural Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments. For the past 5,000 years, TCM plays an important role in human beings(NOT RATS like western medicine). Bodies proven effective in reasonably curing all kinds of sickness with various non destructive methods and herbs! We will,at our best,return your health,long live together with a high quality of happy living after our treatments! If you have any inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

无法承受的心理恐惧--连吃糖都感觉苦涩?Bitter Taste in Mouth (Dysgeusia)



  1. 问诊:咳嗽甚两个月余,痰少难咳出,痰白质粘,咽痒口干,咳引胸胁痛,呼吸困难。头晕头痛,食少腹胀。睡眠质量差,易惊醒,每晚只能睡23小时。小便灼热尿黄,大便调。
  2. 舌诊:舌体稍歪向右侧,舌红少苔。舌中和两侧布满裂痕,中部有瘀点,后根部见大小不一的小泡(囊肿) 
  3. 脉诊:肝脉弦,肺脾脉数,肾阳脉沉细。
  4. 血压:125/65 mmHg
  5. 诊断:咳嗽 (肝火犯肺,肺失清肃)
  6. 治法:清肺平肝,顺气降火止咳
  7. 注意事项:忌食甜食、生冷及油炸之品。

  1. 就医病史:患者曾因此口苦的困扰在KajangKPJ Specialist Hospital花了RM6,800治疗,但症状完全没有得到任何改善,医院的医生告诉她回家静养观察,看看病情是否会改善。经友人介绍从Mantin, Seremban远到我的诊所就诊。
  2. 舌诊:舌体稍歪向右侧,舌红少苔。舌中和两侧布满裂痕,中有瘀点,后根部见大小不一的小泡(囊肿) 
  3. 脉诊:肝脉弦,肾阳脉沉细。
  4. 诊断:口苦 (肝胆郁热)
  5. 治法:清泻肝胆,疏肝解郁
  6. 注意事项:忌食生冷、油炸之品。
  7. 按语:我之所以从肝论治,是因为考虑到患者在动了白内障手术以后出现的口苦症状,而中医认为“肝主目”,所以从这方面下手去治疗。



Overview of Bitter Taste in Mouth (Dysgeusia) 
Having a lingering bitter taste in mouth can be irritating, disgusting and frustrating. Medically, a change in the ability of taste is called Dysgeusia.  The reasons of a bitter taste in the mouth can be manifold. In the view of Western Medicine, respiratory problems, bacterial infections, gum, dental and other oral problems, as well as certain types of diseases, drugs and medication are the most common causes for the bitter taste in mouth.

How Does TCM help Bitter Taste in Mouth (Dysgeusia)
The patient above was a 59-year-old Indian lady who came all the way from Mantin, Seremban on 19/1/2010 for her bitter taste in mouth. She had this problem soon after the 3rd day of her Cataract Surgery. 

These are some of his medical records:

Symptom: She has a strong bitter taste in mouth that makes her lose the desire for food, as a steady unpleasantness from the bitterness prevents her from eating or enjoying anything. Just as what she told me : "I feel even bitter when I take candy or sweets! " She is very skinny due to the lost of appetite for the past 2 months.
BP: 125/65 mmHg
Diagnosis: Bitter Taste in Mouth (Dysgeusia)
Treatment: After having 2 packets of Chinese Herbs, she is totally recovered from disgusting problems! She can be able to taste as usual. 
Note: After 1 year, she came to my clinic again on 12/3/2011 for the acupuncture treatment on Foot Numbness and she claimed that everything is good till now.
TCM: In the view of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we believed that eyes are contact with liver. So since this lady she has just had Cataract Surgery, it may in some way destroy the functions of her liver. Someone who is having liver problem, bitter taste will persist throughout the whole day in his/her mouth.